Marvel's Midnight Suns Wiki
Marvel's Midnight Suns Wiki

The Devil's Due is a Redemption Mission.


The Hunter and Spider-Man investigate rumors of a "Slime Monster" in the sewers beneath New York City.

Required Heroes




Defeat Blood Venom[]

Defeat Blood Venom to complete the mission.

Venom's consumption of Vampyres has put him into a permanent Frenzy!

  • TIP: Blood Venom's Symbiote Binds can be broken by attacking them with hero abilities!
  • TIP: Blood Venom won't wait until the enemy turn to launch his attacks. Move quickly!

Defeat All Enemies[]

Defeat all enemies to complete the encounter.


In the first part of the mission, as soon as Blood Venom is downed for the second time, the Defeat Blood Venom objective will complete and that part of the mission will end, even if there are other enemies remaining.


  • This is a two-person mission that only allows Hunter Hunter and Spider-Man Spider-Man to be assigned to the squad.

Story Summary[]

Hunter and Peter are at the Mirror Table discussing talk of a "Slime Monster" in the sewers of New York City. They wonder whether it could be Venom, having gone to ground after his defeat in the bell tower. Peter convinces Hunter that the two of them should go check it out.

Investigating the sewer tunnels, they come upon a Vampyre lair. One of the Hemaliscs hatches and a Vampyre emerges, pouncing at the two heroes. A pair of tendrils grab it, pulling it to Venom perched above, and he consumes it. The heroes quickly realize that he has transformed into Blood Venom from consuming numerous Vampyres in the sewers.

After Blood Venom is defeated, he begins to pulse with red demonic energy. Hunter cannot save him, and wants to give him a merciful death to end his suffering. Mephisto suddenly appears and offers a deal; if the heroes accept, he will cure Venom of both Lilith's corruption and the blood fever induced from consuming so many Vampyres. He asks that in return, the heroes stop the Vampyre uprising.

Hunter refuses the deal, but Spider-Man reluctantly agrees. Mephisto restores Venom, who stomps off screaming that he will destroy the bad food. As Hunter and Spider-Man leave to follow him, Mephisto surprises Spider-Man by calling him "Peter", though he disappears before Spider-Man can learn more.

Hunter and Spider-Man catch up to Venom, and together the three of them defeat another Vampyre nest. Afterward, Venom starts to leave, but stumbles around a corner as if weakened. When he re-emerges, he appears as simply Eddie. Eddie is grateful to Spider-Man for making the deal that saved him, and offers to put their past aside -- at least for now, until the Vampyres are defeated and the people are safe. Spider-Man accepts and Hunter welcomes Venom to the Midnight Suns.
