Marvel's Midnight Suns Wiki
Marvel's Midnight Suns Wiki
Marvel's Midnight Suns Wiki
For the Enemy Type, see Supervillain (Enemy Type).

Supervillain is a COMMON Passive Ability in Marvel's Midnight Suns. It applies to Supervillains.


Bind and Stun only restrain for 1 action.

Attacks cannot be Resisted.

Cannot be knocked into Drops.


Passives Supervillain 2

In Spidermaaaans, Fallen Venom has 1 extra life; to defeat him, you must KO him twice.

Passives Supervillain 4

Fallen Venom is Downed.

Passives Supervillain 3

Fallen Venom displaying the Hidden Intentions targeting icon.

  • Supervillain gets 2 actions per turn.
  • In Story Missions, Supervillains may have Extra Lives.
  • Supervillain's Extra Lives are displayed inside a shield to the right of their Health bar.
  • If Supervillain has Extra Lives, they will become Downed instead of KO'd.
  • Downed Supervillain will appear to be kneeling.
  • Downed Supervillain will skip their next turn.
  • Downed Supervillain will be left with only 1 Health; however, on the player's next turn, Supervillain will be restored to full Health and will no longer be Downed.
  • Supervillain has a unique targeting icon that only contains a question mark, disguising who they will attack next; this is because they have Hidden Intentions.