Marvel's Midnight Suns Wiki
Marvel's Midnight Suns Wiki
For the category Passive Abilites, see Category:Passive Abilities.

Passive Abilities are beneficial or detrimental modifiers that are applied to a target. Passive Abilities are generally obtained either innately by the Character or through equipped items.

Enemy Reaction[]

Passives Join Us 2

"ENEMY REACTION" warns Spiderman that Quick Kick will trigger Join Us.

If there is any chance that a Hero will suffer after attacking an Enemy with a Passive Ability, the game will display the warning, "ENEMY REACTION". The following Passives can trigger this warning:

Effect Rarity Description
A Greater Hunger COMMON Fill the Hunger meter by playing 2 Morbius cards.
A Greater Hunger II RARE Fill the Hunger meter by playing 2 Morbius cards.
Morbius damage abilities apply 2 Bleed while Bloodlust is active.
All Day COMMON Begin combat with [50% Offense] Block.
All Day II RARE Begin combat with [50% Offense] Block. Gain [20% Offense] Block each turn.
Ancestors' Guidance LEGENDARY Hunter abilities do not Exhaust.
And Another One COMMON When Nico is at full health, 33% chance to draw a card when a Nico Minoru card is played.
And Another One II RARE 33% chance to draw a card when a Nico Minoru card is played.
Binary Fill the Binary meter by playing Captain Marvel cards to Generate Go Binary.
Binding Damage this to free the Bound hero!
Blood Frenzy 25% chance to gain Frenzy when any hero gains Bleed.
Blood Hunger Always targets the last unit to gain Bleed.
Bloodrage 50% chance to Counter any Bleeding attackers.
Bloodsight 50% chance to apply 1 Bleed when dealing damage.
Bonded Damages the Nest Mother when destroyed.
Removed if the Nest Mother is KO'd.
Bring the House Down COMMON When Spider-Man uses an environment attack, 15% chance to refund the Heroism cost.
Bring the House Down II RARE When Spider-Man uses an environment attack, 15% chance to refund the Heroism cost. The first environment attack Spider-Man uses each encounter costs 0 Heroism.
Burning Immune to Corrupted.
Camouflage 50% chance to gain Concealed when attacked.
Close Ranks Attacking this unit will Taunt all Lilin.
Cold Blooded COMMON 10% chance to apply 1 Bleed when dealing damage.
Cold Blooded II RARE 25% chance to apply 1 Bleed when dealing damage.
Critical Objective Cannot be targeted with attacks.
Curse of the Daywalker Whenever this unit gains Bleed, also gain 1 Marked.
Dark Champion EPIC Hunter Dark Attacks and Heroics have a greatly increased chance to be Critical when drawn.
Dark Explosive Apply 2 Vulnerable to any unit knocked into this explosive.
Dark Incubation Spawns additional Vampyres and loses Health after X cards are played.

25% chance this triggers immediately when any hero gains Bleed.

Defender of the Light EPIC Hunter Light Attacks and Heroics have a greatly increased chance to be Critical when drawn.
Didn't Feel a Thing COMMON On KO, 10% chance to gain 1 Counter. (Limit 1 per turn.)
Didn't Feel a Thing II RARE On KO, 20% chance to gain 1 Counter. (Limit 1 per turn.)
Distractable When Taunted, takes 25% increased damage from heroes other than the current target.
Dread Vigilance Attacking this unit will increase their chance to Counter until a counterattack occurs or end of turn.
En Fuego Provides a stacking bonus to Deadpool abilities. 1 En Fuego is lost whenever Deadpool takes damage from an attack.
Enraged Taking damage will Taunt and increase Fallen Hulk Offense until end of turn.
Fangs When this unit deals damage, add a Vampyre Bite to X of the target's cards in the deck.
Fully Charged COMMON Hunter gains 1 Resist or generates 1 Heroism at the start of every turn.
Greater Good COMMON 50% chance to generate 1 Heroism each turn.
Greater Good II RARE 50% chance to generate 2 Heroism each turn.
Grounded Immune to Knockback.
Healing Factor COMMON When a Wolverine card is redrawn, recover [50% Offense] Health.
Healing Factor II RARE When a Wolverine card is redrawn, recover [100% Offense] Health.
Heightened Senses RARE Charlie gains 1 Resist each turn. Hunter and Charlie Attacks have a greatly increased chance to be Critical when drawn.
Hellbeast On KO, draw 2 cards.
Hellbrute On KO, draw 1 cards.
Hex 50% chance a random ability belonging to the attacker will be discarded when attacked.
Hunger Fill the Hunger meter by playing Morbius cards to generate Bloodlust.
Hydra Shield Gains a large amount of Block when first damaged each turn. Disabled once all Block is removed.
I'll Handle This COMMON If 3 Iron Man cards are played in a turn, +1 Redraws (Limit 1 per turn.)
I'll Handle This II RARE If 2 Iron Man cards are played in a turn, +1 Redraws (Limit 1 per turn.)
Inanimate Immune to Taunt and Berserk.
Inorganic Immune to Bleed, Corrupted, and Lifesteal.

Cannot be targeted by Heroic Combos.

Join Us After being melee attacked, 50% chance to gain Symbiote Skin and Bind the next melee attacker.
Lifeblood Recovers Health equal to damage dealt to Bleeding targets.
Light Explosive Stun any unit knocked into this explosive.
Master of the Hunt Reduce all Hunter Collar thresholds by 1. Hunter is immune to all negative status effects.
Mercenary's Instinct Always targets the hero with the lowest health.
Monument of Affliction Applies a random negative status effect to a hero each turn.
Monument of Combustion All enemies will explode for [50% Offense] damage when KO'd, based on the Stats of the Nest Mother that summoned it.
Monument of Mending All enemies recover [5% Health] each turn, based on the Stats of the Nest Mother that summoned it.
Monument of Shadows All enemies have a chance to gain Concealed when damaged.
Monument of Warding Gives [100% Offense] Block to a random enemy each turn, based on the Stats of the Nest Mother that summoned it.
Out Of Your League Fallen Hulk has infinite lives and cannot be defeated here. Survive!
Rage Taking Health damage will Taunt this until end of turn.
Rage Rage increases Hulk Offense.

Hulk gains Rage when attacked.

Hulk Attack and Heroic abilities consume 1 Rage when played.

Rapid Growth 25% chance to transform into an Elite Vampyre when any hero gains Bleed.
Ravenous Increases Venom Offense. Venom Attack and Heroic abilities consume 1 Ravenous when played.
Relay COMMON 10% chance to Generate a Limbo Portal card after an enemy is knocked back through a Portal.
Relay II RARE 25% chance to Generate a Limbo Portal card after an enemy is knocked back through a Portal.
Rising Storm COMMON Storm Attacks and Heroics have a 10% chance to apply Stun.
Rising Storm II COMMON Storm Attacks and Heroics have a 10% chance to apply Stun. Stun chance increased by 5% for each Storm card in your hand.
Salem's Savior RARE When Hunter KO's 1 or more Lilin with an ability, 50% chance to draw a card.
Shadowstalker LEGENDARY Once per encounter, redraw a Heroic Hunter card to gain Concealed.
Shock Shield Damages melee attackers when Block is greater than 0.
Soul Collector COMMON Filling the Souls meter increases Ghost Rider maximum Health by 15%. (Limit 2 per mission.)
Soul Collector II RARE Filling the Souls meter increases Ghost Rider maximum Health by 15%. (Limit 2 per mission.) The souls meter requires 1 less Soul to fill.
Souls Fill the Souls Meter by KOing enemies to Generate a copy of Drain Soul.
Split Splits into two copies after taking damage from an attack.
Staying Alive COMMON Deadpool recovers 15% Health each turn.
Staying Alive II RARE Deadpool recovers 15% Health each turn, plus an additional 5% Health for each stack of En Fuego.
Supervillain COMMON Bind and Stun only restrain for 1 action.

Attacks cannot be Resisted.

Cannot be knocked into Drops.

Symbiote Shell RARE When Hunter plays a card, 10% chance to Generate Symbiote Bind. (Limit one at a time.)
The Damned On KO, refund a Card Play. (Max 1 per ability.)
The Pack When Taunted, all other Shadowhounds will also be Taunted.
The Undying When KO'd, this unit has a 50% chance to turn into a Vampyre (Enemy) minion.
Vengeance COMMON Enemies who attack Hunter have a 25% chance to gain 1 Marked.
We Are Venom COMMON 25% chance for Attack cards to not consume a stack of Ravenous.
We Are Venom II RARE 25% chance for Attack cards to not consume Ravenous. The first Attack card played each encounter does not consume Ravenous.
Wrong Place, Wrong Time COMMON 25% chance to debuff a random enemy near Scarlet Witch each turn.
Wrong Place, Wrong Time II RARE 25% chance to debuff each enemy near Scarlet Witch each turn.