Marvel's Midnight Suns Wiki
Marvel's Midnight Suns Wiki

This event begins during Part I, continuing alongside the main storyline and ending in Part II.

First Encounter[]

These events take place following Part I: The Awakening/Mission: The Best There Is.

At night, Blade is waiting for Hunter near Dreamer's Descent. He explains that he caught a scent of something that doesn't belong in the Abbey, and wants Charlie to help track it.

Charlie leads the pair through Dreamer's Descent and to a wall on the far side. They find some kind shadowhound, which leaps into a red portal, leaving only an Arcane Key behind. Blade feels like it could have been a Barghest, a mythical demon dog, but it doesn't seem possible. The two agree that nothing else can be done tonight and they return to the Abbey.

Next: Part I: The Awakening/Mission: Some Assembly Required

Second Encounter[]

These events take place a number of days after the First Encounter.

At night, Blade tells Hunter that he has detected the same scent again. They start tracking it from near Shaw's Church past Old Salem Cemetery, following the path until they come upon another red portal with the Barghest in front of it. Before they can get close to it, the creature leaps away, leaving behind another Arcane Key. Hunter suggests that they may need assistance, and the two of them return to the Abbey.

Third Encounter[]

These events take place following Part II: The Sleeping Titan/Mission: Spirits of Vengeance.

During the day, Doctor Strange talks to Hunter about the unusual visitor on the grounds. He confirms that Blade's instincts are correct; it is the Barghest. Strange believes that the creature may be the key to breaking through the barrier to the Gamma Lab. He asks Hunter to track and capture it without killing it.

Wolverine tells Hunter that he's noticed the Barghest's scent as well, and he wants to join the next hunt. He mentions that he first picked it up near Hunter's Folly and they decide to meet there in the evening.

Hunter finds Blade and gives him an update on what Strange and Wolverine said. Blade mentions that he saw the Barghest's tracks at Hunter's Folly and agrees to meet up there tonight.

At night, Wolverine asks Hunter to bring Charlie to help track the Barghest. As they proceed through the grounds, Hunter tells Wolverine the story of where Charlie came from. Lilith had sent a pack of hellhounds to attack the Abbey and at the end of the battle, Charlie was the lone survivor. Hunter didn't have the heart to put her down, and by the next night she was sleeping at the foot of their bed.

They spot the Barghest at Hunter's Folly, standing in front of the usual red portal. It turns and escapes through the portal, but this time it doesn't disappear. Blade, Hunter, and Wolverine decide to go through and give chase. Just before they enter the portal, Doctor Strange appears. He tells them that he now believes that the Barghest may be the result of a Hydra experiment, rather than being a mystical beast. He reminds them to capture it alive so he can study it.

When the heroes pass through the portal, they arive in a Hydra facility, making it immediately apparent that Strange was correct about Hydra being behind the Barghest's presence.

After defeating the Hydra troops and the Barghest itself, the heroes are able to bring it back through the portal to the Abbey, where Strange binds it. He plans to transport it to the Forge and begin his study of the Barghest tomorrow.

The next day, when Hunter goes to meet Doctor Strange in the Forge, Magik and Tony are there too. The two of them are both concerned about Strange hurting the creature in the process of using it to get Hunter past the barrier. Ultimately, though, Magik is more concerned about Wanda and she agrees that if there is no other way than to sacrifice the Barghest, then they must do it.

Strange explains that the barrier surrounding the lab only allows demons to pass through it. He believes he can use the Barghest to disguise Hunter as a demon, which should let them through the barrier. Strange says he can use a facsimile of the creature's skin, rather than harvesting it. However, he is concerned about the disguise exposing Hunter to a great deal of demonic energy. Hunter tells him not to worry.

Magik confides privately to Hunter that she has doubts about Strange's plan, but she did not voice them because she knows that he cares about Wanda and is trying to save her.

Doctor Strange requires 24 hours to create Hunter's disguise. The next day, the suit is ready and Hunter retrieves it from the Forge.

Strange explains that it is a suit made from the Barghest, which should allow Hunter to pierce the demonic barrier and walk among the Lilin safely. He calls it the Demonchylde suit.

Caretaker walks in, demanding to know what Hunter is wearing. She describes it as hideous and complains of its smell. She gets even angrier as Stark explains that it can breach the barrier and she realizes that they are planning to go to Banner's lab despite her objections. Hunter explains that that is what they have decided to do, and that Caretaker needs to accept that. She ultimately does, but warns Hunter not to go easy on Wanda.

On the way to the Mirror Table, Hunter has a word with Magik, who still thinks the plan is ridiculous. She compares the concept of wearing a demon skin to get past the barrier to one of Nico's zombie movies. But, if Hunter does manage to get in, Magik will try to help get them back home.

Nico is waiting at the Mirror Table for Hunter, and wants to go over everything one last time. She stresses how important it is to get the purification spell exactly right, testing Hunter to make sure they remember the words. She explains that Hunter shouldn't start the incantation until they see Wanda, and it will need to be repeated three times. Nico ends by saying that she wants Wanda back but doesn't want to lose Hunter to do it, and that she believes in Hunter.

Next: Part II: The Sleeping Titan/Mission: Skin Deep
