Marvel's Midnight Suns Wiki
Marvel's Midnight Suns Wiki

Hydra Symbol

Hydra Shieldguard is an Enemy Hydra Elite in Marvel's Midnight Suns.




Hydra Shieldguard casting Protect on an Artifact.

Apply Protected to target; apply Protecting to self. Hydra Shieldguard can only cast Protect while he still has Block.

Shield Slam

Shield Slam

Hydra Shieldguard casting Shield Slam on Captain Marvel.

Apply X Dazed. Hydra Shieldguard can only cast Shield Slam while he still has Block.

  • Type: Attack
  • Range: Melee
  • Target: Hero
  • Scope: Single
  • Effects: Dazed
  • Damage Multiplier: 0.67

Hydraulic Strike

Hydraulic Strike

Hydra Shieldguard casting Hydraulic Strike on Captain Marvel.

25% chance to apply Stun. Knockback. Hydra Shieldguard can cast Hydraulic Strike even after he loses all Block.

  • Type: Attack
  • Range: Melee
  • Target: Hero
  • Scope: Single
  • Effects: Stun (25%), Knockback
  • Damage Multiplier: 1

Concussive Blast

Concussive Blast

Concussive Blast electrocuting Blade & Hunter.

Hydra Shieldguard primes himself to discharge electricity next turn. This discharge is centered on Hydra Shieldguard, and deals Attack damage to every unit in its AoE other than himself. Concussive Blast effectively applies a nameless Status Effect to Hydra Shieldguard; Taunting Hydra Shieldguard will cancel this effect. Hydra Shieldguard can only cast Concussive Blast after he loses all Block.

  • Type: Attack
  • Range: Self
  • Target: Single
  • Scope: Area of Effect
  • Damage Multiplier: 2


  • Hydra Shieldguard's Block is represented by a large, rectangular shield; once he loses all Block, he will also lose his shield.
  • Hydra Shieldguard seems to always cast Concussive Blast immediately after losing Protecting.