Marvel's Midnight Suns Wiki
Marvel's Midnight Suns Wiki
For the base version, see Knockback.

Forceful Knockback is a Status Effect in Marvel's Midnight Suns.


Push the target in a direction, dealing damage if they pass through or impact another unit or object. Double distance and impact damage.


Status Effects Forceful Knockback 2

Slash+ will knock Hydra Commando into Slide.

Status Effects Forceful Knockback 3

Lash will knock Hydra Shieldguard into an object that applies Stun.

Status Effects Forceful Knockback 4

Different starbursts for soft collision (trashcan) & hard collision (fence).

Status Effects Forceful Knockback 5

Soul Blast will break this cart, but won't pass through it.

Forceful Knockback follows the same rules as Knockback. In addition:

  • The rules text, 'Double distance', means that the radius of the sector representing scope is twice as long.
  • The rules text, 'in any direction', changes Forceful Knockback's scope from a sector to a circle.
  • Unlike Knockback, Forceful Knockback is capable of passing through objects (soft collision).
  • Forceful Knockback only deals double impact damage when bouncing off objects (hard collision); it deals [50% Offense] damage on soft collision.
  • At most, soft collisions can only deal [50% Offense] damage, even if the target passes through several objects.
  • On soft collision, Forceful Knockback's direction ends with an empty starburst; on hard collision, the starburst is filled with a dot.
  • There are objects that Forceful Knockback can break, but cannot pass through.

Related Cards

There are 19 Cards that refer to Forceful Knockback.

Name Character Description Description+
Bladestorm Hunter Damage and Forceful Knockback each enemy in an area. Damage and Forceful Knockback each enemy in an area. Draw a card for each KO.
Charge Hunter Forceful Knockback. Forceful Knockback. 25% chance to apply Stun.
Gale Force Storm Forceful Knockback. Next Turn: Add Quick. Forceful Knockback. Quick.
Gamma Kick Hulk Forceful Knockback. Taunt. Forceful Knockback. Taunt. Apply 1 Weak.
Lash Ghost Rider Forceful Knockback in any direction. Ghost Rider takes [100% Offense] damage. Forceful Knockback in any direction. Quick. Ghost Rider takes [100% Offense] damage.
Mighty Blow Hulk Forceful Knockback. Forceful Knockback. If target has Stun, +[200% Offense] damage.
Overpowered Deadpool Knockback. En Fuego(x0): +[50% Offense] damage Forceful Knockback. En Fuego(x0): +[50% Offense] damage
Power Slash Wolverine Knockback. Apply 1 Vulnerable. Forceful Knockback. Apply 1 Vulnerable.
Rune of Force Shove applies Forceful Knockback until end of turn. Free.
Savage Swipe Morbius Forceful Knockback. Forceful Knockback. If target has Bleed, Quick.
Slash Hunter Knockback. Forceful Knockback.
Soul Blast Magik Forceful Knockback. Forceful Knockback. On KO, gain 1 Counter.
Special Delivery Spider-Man Forceful Knockback towards Spider-Man. Forceful Knockback towards Spider-Man. On KO, +1 Moves.
Vortex Storm Knockback each enemy in an area. Knockback each enemy in an area. Next Turn: Forceful Knockback.
Web Throw Spider-Man Forceful Knockback in any direction. Nearby enemies take [50% Offense] damage. Forceful Knockback in any direction. Nearby enemies take [100% Offense] damage.
Web Toss Venom Knockback in any direction. Unusable on Grounded targets. Forceful Knockback in any direction. Unusable on Grounded targets.
Whip Hunter Forceful Knockback in any direction. Discard a random card. Forceful Knockback in any direction. Discard a random card.
Winds of Watoomb Doctor Strange Knockback. Quick. Knockback. Quick. Enhanced with 3 Heroism: Forceful Knockback.
Worldbreaker Hulk Damage and Forceful Knockback every enemy. Exhaust. Damage and Forceful Knockback every enemy. +1 Rage for each KO. Exhaust.