Marvel's Midnight Suns Wiki
Marvel's Midnight Suns Wiki

The player may choose from a range of preset difficulty levels, affecting how challenging Missions are and the rewards obtained from them.

Some Difficulty levels are not available at the start of the game, and will unlock over time as the player performs well on Missions. Players can unlock up to 2 higher Difficulty levels from their current setting by receiving a 3 star rating on 3 Missions, or by receiving a 2 star rating a larger number of times.

Difficulty Description Enemy Health Enemy Offense Revives Combat Injuries Enemy Reinforcements Hero XP Bonus Gloss Bonus
Story For those who want to take in the story of the Midnight Suns and operate with impunity in combat. -25% -33% Infinite Disabled Normal +0% +0%
Normal The starting point for players new to Midnight Suns. +0% +0% 2 Enabled Normal +0% +25%
Heroic I Increased challenge and reward in combat. +25% +12.5% 1 Enabled Normal +10% +50%
Heroic II Increased challenge and reward in combat. +50% +25% 1 Enabled Normal +20% +75%
Heroic III Increased challenge and reward in combat. +75% +67% 1 Enabled Normal +25% +100%
Ultimate I A serious challenge intended for serious players. +87.5% +67% 1 Enabled Additional +30% +125%
Ultimate II A serious challenge intended for serious players. +100% +82% 1 Enabled Additional +35% +150%
Ultimate III An extreme challenge intended for tactical masterminds. +125% +100% 0 Enabled Additional +40% +175%